Current Research Interests
Research areas:
- Probability theory, Mathematical foundations of data science, Mathematical physics
Recent keywords:
- High-dimensional learning dynamics, Statistical-computational tradeoffs, spin glasses
- Justin Ko (postdoc, current)
- Taj Jones-McCormick (PhD Stats, current)
- Varnan Sarangian (PhD Stats, current)
- Parsa Rangriz (MMath Stat, current)
- Lily Seebach (MMath Data Science, current)
- Aseem Baranwal (PhD CS 2024, now at XTY labs)
- Yiming Xu (postdoc 2024, now Asst. Prof. at U. Kentucky)
- Victor Issa (ENS M2 Intern, 2023, now PhD at ENS Lyons)
- Tingzhou Yu (MMath Stat, 2023, now PhD at U. Alberta)
- Philipp Schroeppel (MMath Stat, 2022, now PhD at Ulm U.)
- Anna Brandenberger (MSc, Perimeter Institute, 2022, now PhD at MIT)
Professional activities
Editorial Work:
Conference/Seminar organizing:
Publications and preprints
- Local geometry of high-dimensional mixture models: Effective spectral theory and dynamical transitions
- with G. Ben Arous, R. Gheissari,
and J. Huang,
- arXiv
- Pseudo-maximum likelihood theory for high-dimensional rank one inference
- with C. Grant and J. Ko
- arXiv
- Provable Benefits of Unsupervised Pre-training and Transfer Learning via Single-Index Models
- with T. Jones-McCormick
and S. Sen
- arXiv
- Shattering in the Ising pure p-spin model
- with D. Gamarnik and E. Kizildag,
- arXiv
- Differentially private multivariate medians
- with K. Ramsay and S. Chenouri,
- arXiv
- Finding planted cliques using Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- with R. Gheissari and Y. Xu,
- SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science (to appear)
- An elementary concentration bound for Gibbs measures arising in statistical learning theory
- with K. Ramsay and S. Chenouri,
- Transactions of Machine Learning Research (2025)
- Existence of the free energy for heavy-tailed spin glasses
- with P. Lopatto,
- Communications in Mathematical Physics 405 (2024) no. 226
- Circuit lower bounds for the p-spin optimization problem,
- with D. Gamarnik and A. S. Wein,
- Markov Processes and Related Fields 30 no. 1 (2024) 81-96 (special issue for IRS 2022)
- High-dimensional SGD aligns with emerging outlier eigenspaces
- with G. Ben Arous, R. Gheissari,
and J. Huang,
- International Conference on Learning Representations 12 (ICLR 2024) (spotlight)
- Hardness of random optimization problems for boolean circuits, low-degree polynomials, and Langevin dynamics,
- with D. Gamarnik and A. S. Wein,
- SIAM Journal on Computing 53 no. 1 (2024) 1-46
- High-dimensional limit theorems for SGD: Effective dynamics and critical scaling
- with G. Ben Arous and R. Gheissari,
- Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 77 no. 3 (2024) 2030-2080
- Extended abstract appeared in NeurIPS 2022 (Outstanding Paper Award)
- Shattering versus metastability in spin glasses,
- with G. Ben Arous,
- Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 77 no. 1 (2024) 139-176
- Optimality of Message-Passing Architectures for Sparse Graphs
- with A. Baranwal and K. Fountoulakis,
- Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS) 2023
- Graph attention retrospective
- K. Fountoulakis, A. Levi, S. Yang, A. Baranwal and A.J.,
- Journal of Machine Learning Research 24 no. 246 (2023) 1-52
- Effects of Graph Convolutions in Multi-Layer Networks
- with A. Baranwal and K. Fountoulakis,
- International Conference on Learning Representations 11 (ICLR) 2023 (spotlight)
- A simple construction of the dynamical Φ43 model,
- with
N. Perkowski,
- Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 376 no. 3 (2023) 1507–1522
- The overlap gap property in principal submatrix recovery,
- with D. Gamarnik and S. Sen,
- Probability Theory and Related Fields 181 (2021) 757–814
- Graph Convolution for Semi-Supervised Classification: Improved Linear Separability and Out-of-Distribution Generalization,
- with A. Baranwal and K. Fountoulakis,
- International Conference on Machine Learning 38 (ICML 2021) (spotlight)
- Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 139 (2021) 684-693
- Online stochastic gradient descent on non-convex losses from high-dimensional inference,
- with G. Ben Arous and R. Gheissari,
- Journal of Machine Learning Research 22 no. 106 (2021) 1-51
- On the unbalanced cut problem and the generalized Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model,
- with S. Sen,
- Annales de l'Instut Henri Poincaré D Comb. Phys. Inter. 8 (2021) 35-88.
- The overlap gap property and approximate message passing algorithms for p-spin models,
- with D. Gamarnik,
- The Annals of Probability 49 no. 1 (2021) 180-205
- Low degree hardness of random optimization problems,
- with D. Gamarnik and A. S. Wein
- Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) (2020) 131-140
- Statistical thresholds for tensor PCA,
- with P. Lopatto and L. Miolane,
- The Annals of Applied Probability 30 no. 4 (2020) 1910-1933
- Algorithmic thresholds for tensor PCA,
- with G. Ben Arous and R. Gheissari,
- The Annals of Probability 48 no. 4 (2020) 2052-2087
- Bounding flows for spherical spin glass dynamics,
- with G. Ben Arous and R. Gheissari,
- Communications in Mathematical Physics 373 (2020) 1011-1048
- Dynamics of mean field spin glasses on short and long timescales,
- Journal of Mathematical Physics 60, 083305 (2019)
- Thouless–Anderson–Palmer equations for generic p-spin glasses,
- with A. Auffinger,
- The Annals of Probabability 47 no. 43 (2019) 2230-2256
- On the spectral gap of spherical spin glass dynamics,
- with R. Gheissari,
- Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré B Probab. et Stat. 55 no. 2 (2019) 756-776
- On spin distributions for generic p-spin models,
- with A. Auffinger,
- Journal of Statistical Physics (2019) 174-316
- Spectral gap estimates in mean field spin glasses,
- with G. Ben Arous,
- Communications in Mathematical Physics 361 no. 1 (2018) 1-52
- MAX κ-CUT and the inhomogeneous Potts spin glass,
- with J. Ko and S. Sen,
- The Annals of Applied Probability 28 no. 3 (2018) 1536–1572
- Bounding the complexity of replica symmetry breaking for spherical spin glasses,
- with I. Tobasco,
- Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 146 (2018) 3127-3142
- Random matrices and the New York City subway system,
- with T. Trogdon,
- Physical Review E 96, 030101(R) (2017)
- Low temperature asymptotics of spherical mean field spin glasses,
- with I. Tobasco,
- Communications in Mathematical Physics 352 no. 3 (2017) 979-1017
- Some properties of the phase diagram for mixed p-spin glasses,
- with I. Tobasco,
Probability Theory and Related Fields 167 (2017) 615-672
- Approximate ultrametricity for random measures with applications to spin glasses,
- Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 70 (2017) 611–664 (video)
- A dynamic programming approach to the Parisi functional,
- with I. Tobasco,
- Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 144 (2016) 3135-3150
- On the overlap distribution of branching random walks,
- Electronic Journal of Probability 21 no. 50 (2016) 16 pp.
- Variational and Structural Methods in Mean Field Spin Glasses,
- Ph.D. Thesis, May 2016
- Solution of the propeller conjecture in R3,
- with S. Heilman and A. Naor
- Discrete & Compututational Geometry 50 (2013) 263-305 (code)
- Extended abstract appeared at STOC 2012.
- Charged particle motion in electromagnetic fields varying moderately slowly in space,
- with H. Weitzner,
- Physics of Plasmas 18, 104510 (2011)